Best of 2023: Alan Wick 2’s Musical Moment is the best gaming surprise in recent years.

Alan Wake 2 surprised us in so many ways – how different it was from its predecessor, how much Saga Anderson added to the Alan Wake story, the way Alan Wake 2 really tied all the Remedy games together. But the biggest surprise of all begins with two words that take up almost the entire […]
38 years ago, Nintendo changed pop culture forever

In the early 1980s, video games were mostly relegated to coin-operated arcade machines, but their growing popularity time magazine The story of Vol in January 1982 with a dire warning: “GRONK! FLASH! ZAP! Video games are taking the world by storm!” What you need to know about Mario Strikers’ big free update If this sounds […]
Get two of the year’s biggest movies on Blu-ray for just $26

After a tumultuous few years, 2023 saw audiences return to theaters thanks to the release of several notable pop culture phenomena. Two of the biggest blockbusters of the year–barbie And Super Mario Brothers movie-used the power of nostalgia to make a huge dent at the box office, and if you’re looking to add those films […]